Hello! You found the SECRET PAGE!

Welcome to the official book page – available to you only by scanning the QR code in the book. (Or you know, browsing my website for secret pages). Here you can find a whole host of images, links, playlists and other hand-curated supplements to go with Not Quite White.

In case you arrived here by accident, let me be the first to tell you that my book, Not Quite White, was released June 23rd 2022 by Simon & Schuster. You can order it here or via Bookshop or Amazon. Not Quite White is a memoir primarily focused on mixed race identity and also looking at representation, structural racism, intergenerational trauma and interracial family relations. It’s also “heartbreaking”, “lyrical”, and “funny as hell” according to people who have read the book / “top quotes” on Amazon.

Still Reading? 🤓

Some Stuff To Check Out

Official Read-Along Playlist which I would recommend listening to whilst you read, and the

Official “All The Music Of The Book” Playlist in case you’re curious about what this book sounds like.

Please check back for the official book soundtrack (composed and played by myself).

Below is a gallery of me aged roughly the ages I am in Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (Malia, as in the book), Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 8 again (both WOLF PACK), Chapter 9, 9 again (Mauritius, as in the book), and finally Chapter 10, (next to the grave and dog mentioned in this book).



My Inspirations for Writing

Here’s a link to the Books That Inspired Me – a heads up this is an affiliate link so any purchases you make will help me out!

Here are the Books I Used To Learn How To Write, something I knew absoultely eff all about when embarking on this project..!s (Again – it’s an affiliate link. Please buy stuff!).

And here’s the link to the Official Chapter Title Commentary – a series I wrote for my higher tier patrons. Join my Patreon to unlock, and you can read the series plus all the BTS stuff I posted about Not Quite White.

If You’ve Finished Reading! 🤠

Thank you for reading my book! I would love to hear your thoughts. Please consider leaving me a review, they MASSIVELY massively help out writers like myself. You don’t need to have purchased the book to leave a review but you will need an account at the site.

Amazon review link | Goodreads review link

Mixed race? Want to join “Not Quite Night”, a semi-regular forum where mixed artists and creatives from an international reach and broad range of disciplines come together to chat, work, and share resources? Hit me up and let’s go!